Thursday, November 18, 2010

Animation - flying disk!!

I made a flying disk, briefly through maya. I made the disk with surface - rotation then converted it into polygons
then I made a simple cityscape with buildings. The disk flies around, then lands on top of one of the buildings.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

3D - animation render

I added two key frames and changed the particle time... to make the particles flow.
I batch rendered 20 frames of it, then made them into an animation with after effects.

Monday, November 1, 2010

3D Particle Exercise

I added a 3D container in Fluid Effects Tap, then put the space dust particles on my space scene.

3D Material Exercise

I used displacement mapping in order to make bumpy surface of the planet.
Also, I used special effects->glow and hide object to make the little halo effect on the planet.